Five Key Things You Need To Know Before Starting The NightLase Snoring Treatment

The NightLase laser snoring treatment has been receiving increased media attention in recent months - driving patient interest towards the ‘revolutionary’ snoring treatment. The media has described NightLase as a ‘quick and painless’ fix for snoring - so Laser + Holistic Dental has prepared this article to make sure you understand the full picture before deciding if NightLase is the right treatment for you. Dr Lisa Matriste, Laser + Holistic Dental founder, was the first dentist in Australia to perform the NightLase treatment. With more than 12 years of professional [...]

Detoxing Mercury: Making The Right Diet Choices

At Laser + Holistic Dental we are regularly asked how to detox mercury following the removal of mercury amalgam dental fillings. Despite the messages from the mainstream dental institutions, the science is clear and the public is becoming increasingly aware of the risks surrounding ‘silver’ dental amalgam fillings. For those who have, or have had mercury amalgam fillings - it is important to understand that mercury affects people in a range of different ways due to factors like exposure size, length of exposure, genetics and allergies. Mercury has complex chemistry [...]

Why Choose A Holistic Dentist?

Holistic dentistry is growing in Australia as people become more conscious about their health. The population is increasingly concerned about the health and environmental impacts encountered in their day-to-day lives. Holistic dentists offer a way to make more proactive and conscious choices about health care. "A holistic dentist will prioritise their patient’s overall health when deciding on a course for dental treatment, rather than just addressing the symptoms of an immediate problem." The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, describes a holistic dental practitioner as one “who believes that treatment of [...]