Tooth Extraction

High tech, fast healing tooth extractions at

A tooth extraction is a common procedure that involves a tooth being removed – usually due to infection or because a tooth is pushing on or damaging other teeth.

At Laser + Holistic Dental we use a number of advanced technologies to accelerate wound healing, reduce inflammation and ultimately reduce downtime for our patients. Some of these technologies include, stem cell grafting, laser disinfection and ‘sticky bone’ grafting.

tooth extraction holistic
The Tooth Extraction Process

Before a patient can have a tooth extraction, our dentists need high quality imagery to diagnose the issue and determine the best course of action.

At Laser + Holistic Dental we prefer CBCT scans for much greater levels of detail relative to a standard x-ray – producing 3D images of your teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways and bones. The CBCT scan can be done in-house after your initial consultation, although if you have recently had a scan at another clinic we would be more than happy to source it for you.

Once it is confirmed you will need a tooth extraction, your appointment will be booked and you may be prescribed antibiotics leading up to the procedure date.

At Laser + Holistic Dental we use a number of advanced technologies that aren’t used by most other practitioners.

One of these technologies is CGF – a stem cell grafting technique to improve wound healing and reduce pain and inflammation. Another is using Osteon to create ‘sticky bone’ – acting as a scaffold for your body to rebuild new bone around.

At Laser + Holistic Dental we also use lasers during the tooth extraction process for disinfecting and to stimulate the surrounding tissues to heal.

To learn more about the surgical technologies and extraction process at Laser + Holistic Dental, please download the FAQ below.

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    Please note we may get in touch with you to see if you require any further assistance.

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    Read more about the tooth extraction process here.